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Last Monday

Last Monday

Today is the last Monday of 2018!

Tomorrow is literally the new year!

As I reflect o the new year, an overwhelming feeling a bittersweet pressure fills my chest.

I’ve been in and out of work this year.

I started a business. Prematurely, but I started it.

My marriage was tested.

My faith was distant.

My car was almost repossessed.

My phone was turned off a few times.

I think I got a little bit closer to my siblings.

I got lost.

I’m still lost.

But I’ll be okay.

You will too.

I ask that you trust yourself more in this next year. Believe in your power. Listen to your heart. Love people. Share hope. Ask for help. Be unashamed of what you believe in. Allow yourself to feel. Give yourself time to heal. Care. Stand up for yourself. Stand up for others. But most importantly….Be brave.

Sincerely AB.



