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Welcome Back To Mental Matters Monday

Welcome Back To Mental Matters Monday

I took a break.

I took a break because I was angry.

I was angry with the lack of discipline I had over my creative freeness.

I was angry with the lack of recognition of things I had already done.

I was angry with being in my husbands shadow.

I was angry with the imbalance in my life.

I was angry with myself for letting my solitarily plagued thinking, isolate me from spending time with friends.

I was angry at my lack of ability to connect with my family. 

I was angry with the severely underpaid job I was working.

I was angry.


I cried.

I drank more then usual.

I spent money I didn’t have.

I spent time in places I normally would be uncomfortable in.

I just wanted to feel something new.

I wanted to feel something other than resentment towards the future self I couldn’t grasp.

I wanted to feel something other than the complacency I let my day to day consume.

I wanted to feel.


I wanted to know why I felt the way I did. 

I wanted to know....

Why there was such a strong disappointment in myself.


I cooked.

I cleaned.

I fought.

I lost.

I won.

I panicked.


Everything I worked so hard to relieve myself from, seeped back into my body as if I was breathing it in.

Slowly acquiring my thoughts and turned my disappointment into anger.


I took a week off work.

I prayed.

I read.

I danced.

I exercised.

I painted.

I bought plants.

I listened to music.

I visited friends and family.

I sat silently and watched the winds swiftly move through the leaves of the tree outside my window.


I started to find my way back. But I wasn’t entirely sure what I was finding my way back to.


New ideas began to rush into me. I wanted to excute them all. 

So I began working, and I’m very excited about all of the new content I have to share with you all. 


Welcome Back to Mental Matters Monday.

p.s. I’m still a little angry.


I'm raising money to help fund my children's book series and start a kids painting party business! Check out the link below to read more and donate if you can! Thanks!

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