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Open Note To My Soul

Today I fell in love with my soul.

I realized that all my life, every time I learned to love my body...it changed.


I learned to love my flat chest, then my chest changed.

I learned to love my skin, then I got eczema.

I learned to love my body, then mother nature called for my insides to shed.

I learned to love my legs, then I grew hair. Everywhere.

I learned to love my nails, then they would break.

I learned to love my hair, then it began to fall out.

I learned to love my ears, then I tore one lobe.

I learned to love my thighs, then they began to chaff.

I learned to love my eyes, then my eyesight started to weaken.

I learned to love my abs, then they disappeared, then appeared, then disappeared again.

I learned to love my flexibility, then my knees began to ache.

I learned to love my intensity, then I started to get migraines.


I learned to love everything about my body, every time it changed,

Never once did I take the time to learn to love the soul it held within.


So I took the time to learn to love my soul...

I learned to love my kindness.

I learned to love my giving spirit.

I learned to love my temperament.

I learned to love my selflessness.

I learned to love my humanity.

I learned to love my humor.

I learned to love my humility. 

I learned to love my selective confidence. 

Today I feel in love with my soul, and nothing has been the same.


Pull back the layers of self and find your soul. What does your soul want you to know about yourself?

Choose to fall in love with your soul today.
