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love your self.

This year has been the most reflective for me.

I’m going to go on a blog binge soon, but I’ll start with what’s at the forefront of my mind and that is my decision to choose me.

I have decided to choose me without feeling guilty or selfish.

I have decided to choose me without the consideration of anyone else.

And I don’t feel bad about it.

I did this and everything good came to me with ease.

Things that weren’t for me I began to recognize with ease.

Nothing came with hesitation and struggle.

It did come with hard work and shadow work though. (That kicked my ass a little bit.)

As I’ve been transitioning through life, I ask myself now, “Will this make me happy?” I ask this in relation to everything. Purchases, relationships, decisions.

Will this job bring me joy?

Is this plant a smart and healthy purchase?

I’m having more conversations with myself and incorporating more positivity in my responses. My conversations are intellectual and fun.

I smile more. I stand up for me more. And I let things go more.

I’ve also been focusing more on the good so when opposition arises, I can focus on the benefit. If it’s worth fighting for, I fight. If it’s bringing more self-resistance, more self-conflict, I let it go.

If I’m going to fight, it’s for something that will defend me. I’m not fighting for something that does not cover me.

That’s the real definition of someone who is a lover and a fighter. I’m not fighting for something that’s not fighting for me. And I’m not loving something that’s not loving me.

I’m choosing me.

If you don’t choose yourself, you allow everything else to make you an option.

-Ashley Mozingo.