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emotional honesty.

emotional honesty.

If you have been following this blog, there became a point where I spoke about emotionally honesty.

My life changed drastically when I chose to do one single thing.

It wasn’t meditation.

It wasn’t yoga.

It wasn’t drinking more water.

Now don’t get me wrong, I have done all things things and they have helped tremendously.

But what helped me the most was emotional honesty.

We know what emotions are…for the most part.

But honesty.

The definition of honesty is the quality of being truthful.

Benefits of honesty?

Honesty promotes authenticity.

Honesty fosters courage.

Honesty shows you care.

Honesty fosters a connection.

Don’t you want all those things with yourself?

I did.

It was really uncomfortable. But at the end of breaking down all the walls of my dishonesty with myself, I found a beautiful and kind spirit waiting to love and be loved for exactly who she was.

I found a woman who had a love for justice and passion for saying what others won’t.

I found a heart who longed for a soft touch.

I found a soulmate.

I found that I had everything I needed to become everything I wanted.

Everything started with me answering honestly to the question of the ages:

“Are you okay?”

I asked myself this question, and I forced myself to answer honestly. It obviously resulted in a violent cry, but the tears washed away so much dismay.

So today, take a moment, look in the mirror, and ask yourself: are you okay?

Road To Redemption: My Battle With Suicide.

Road To Redemption: My Battle With Suicide.

