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The War of Art by Steven Pressfield Review

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield Review

by Ashley Mozingo, MBA

First off, I agree with about 91% of this book. Some of the verbiage is a little insensitive and a tad bit misogynistic, so let me start there. If you can push past some of that, the book has some valuable points on the creative process for creative entrepreneurs. 

Background on the Author:

The full book title is The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles

Steven Pressfield is the author of The War of Art which has sold over a million copies globally and been translated into multiple languages. He is a master of historical fiction with Gates of Fire being on the required reading list at West Point and the recommended reading list of the Joint Chiefs. His other books include A Man at Arms, Turning Pro, Do the Work, The Artist's Journey, Tides of War, The Lion's Gate, and a host of other books that are probably important to the creative process.

Pressfield attended Duke University, which was possibly why I could sense the tension between us (Carolina Tar Heels babyyyy).

Books that are written by Steven Pressfield

The War of Art’s overall message:

Resistance is the enemy of success. 

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Simple enough right? No – Pressfield dives into 195 pages telling you how you ain’t shit and if you were to give a shit, you will probably be great. Or at least average.

The War of Art was released in 2002 and highlights the forms of resistance faced by artists, entrepreneurs, and creatives alike. The book was followed by Do the Work in 2011. The book is not set up in chapters but in sections. Each section highlights the personality traits of Resistance.

The primary focus is to kick you in the ass about pushing past your creative barriers, so if you need that kick– add it to your Amazon cart. 

My Book Highlights:

As I mentioned before, there are some highlights that can give you the push and understanding you need to be the best Creative entrepreneur you can be.

“Resistance is Infallible:”

“The more important a call or action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel towards pursuing it.”

Resistance is the most powerful at the finish line.

Resistance and Fear:

“The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.”

Let’s get into a portion of the 9% that I did NOT agree with:

Prince Forever

There is a section of the book that speaks to self-medication and some mental health issues “not being diseases”.

It mentions Depression and Anxiety being made up and marketed, and are forms of resistance. Although yes, can mental health concerns cause procrastination? –Sure. Should they be considered made up? –No.

As someone who has learned to maneuver life with Bipolar II, I can honestly say that medication has helped me be the best version of myself creatively. 

‘...instead of applying self-knowledge, self-discipline, delayed gratification, and hard work, we simply consume a product.”

Boooooo! Tomato tomato tomato.

Now, self-medication is just one part of my success. I have breathing techniques, mindfulness practices, creative outlets, therapy, and an amazing support system.

Before my “self-medication”, my toolkit could only help so much WHEN MY BRAIN doesn’t produce enough serotonin to keep me from wailing uncontrollably for no apparent reason. Or when my adrenaline has skyrocketed and I haven’t slept in 3 days (I knock out a lot of work during my highs, but it’s absolutely NOT healthy.)

With all of my tools, I DO have self-discipline and I DO work hard. I am less thrown off by my triggers and don’t seek gratification as soon as I type my first work. So I don’t know about that one Pressfield. I don’t produce enough serotonin on my own. It came back in my bloodwork, so it’s pretty hard to blame that one on Resistance.


Please note these are MY opinions and hot takes. Everything is up for your own interpretation.

Now if I type anymore I’m going to give everything away, so if you are ready to start taking yourself seriously, order your copy of The War of Art today. Or on your next payday, whichever works.