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10 Shadow Work Prompts to Help You Redefine Success

Hi Friend!

Success is a concept that we all strive for, but how often do we take the time to truly reflect on what it means to us personally? Beyond the external accolades and accomplishments, success is deeply rooted in our internal beliefs, fears, and desires. Shadow work—a process of exploring the hidden parts of ourselves—can help us uncover the barriers that might be holding us back from achieving the success we seek. Here are some shadow work prompts designed to guide you through a deeper understanding of your relationship with success.

During my coaching sessions, defining what success means is one of the first things we explore.

Here are 10 Journal prompts to help you uncover your relationship with success. You can choose one or do them all. Take your time either way.

Prompt #1 What Fears Do I Have Around Achieving Success?

Ask yourself: what fears do you have about achieving success? Is it the fear of failure, fear of change, or even fear of responsibility? Understanding these fears can help you confront them and move forward with clarity. For me, it was responsibility. I questioned whether I would have the stamina. I counted myself out before the blessing was even in front of me. (Wild, right?)

Prompt #2 - How Do I Personally Define Success?

Success means different things to different people. For some, it might be financial stability; for others, it could be creative fulfillment or making a difference in the world. Take time to define success on your terms, without the influence of societal pressures or external expectations.

Pee Sheff & Ashley Mozingo, Co-Founders of Studio Wellmade (Hey Baby 🤭)

Prompt #3 - Are There Any Past Failures That Still Linger in My Mind?

Past failures can haunt us and hinder our progress. Reflect on any past experiences that still weigh heavily on you. What lessons can you learn from them? How can you reframe these experiences as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks? And you can’t count not trying as a failure. You haven’t tried. And if life happened and you had to pause something—again not a failure. No more self-loathing, champ.

Prompt #4 - Do I Truly Feel Worthy of the Success I Seek?

Self-worth plays a crucial role in our ability to achieve success. Do you believe you deserve the success you're striving for? If not, explore why you might feel unworthy and where you can use compassion to nurture that place.

@coachmozingo on Twitter (X) 🙄

Wild Wild Woods Short Film premier, Winston-Salem, NC 2024 @ Studio 110

Prompt #5 -How Do I Respond to the Success of Others?

This one is a BIG one, babes. Our reactions to others' success can reveal a lot about our mindset. Do you feel inspired or envious? Do you celebrate others' achievements or compare them to your own? Understanding your response can help you cultivate a healthier perspective on success. Sit with this if some initial feelings come up. Stand your ground. You can talk things out with yourself.

Prompt #6 - What Limiting Beliefs Are Holding Me Back?

One of my words for the year is LIMITLESS. I want to try all of the things. Limiting beliefs are the invisible barriers that prevent us from reaching our full potential. What thoughts or beliefs do you hold that might be sabotaging your success? Challenge these beliefs and replace them with empowering ones.

Prompt #7 - What Habits Are Getting in the Way of My Progress?

Habits are powerful, for better or worse. Identify the habits that are hindering your progress. Whether it's procrastination, self-doubt, or a lack of discipline, recognizing these patterns is the first step toward change. I found that I had an interesting relationship with procrastination. It was self-doubt the whole time. (Here I was thinking I was a perfectionist. Me to self: No, b*tch, you lack self-confidence. 😂 Girl, get up.)

Prompt #8 - How Do I Handle Praise and Recognition?

Success often comes with praise and recognition, but not everyone accepts it gracefully. Do you downplay your achievements or feel uncomfortable with compliments? Explore why you might struggle with accepting praise and work on embracing your accomplishments.

Prompt #9 - What Does My Inner Critic Say About My Goals?

We all have an inner critic that questions our abilities and undermines our confidence. What does your inner critic say about your goals? How can you quiet this voice and replace it with self-affirming thoughts? Another practice for this prompt to explore: Who’s voice do you hear your inner critic in? Is it a loved one? Is it yourself? Connect with yourself here.

Prompt #10 - What Am I Willing to Sacrifice to Reach My Version of Success?

Success often requires sacrifices, whether it's time, comfort, or certain relationships. What are you willing to give up to achieve your goals? Reflect on the sacrifices you're prepared to make and ensure they align with your values. Your values are going to play a crucial role in balancing your work and life. Balance your life based on your values.

As you move through these prompts remember…

Success is not just about achieving external milestones; it's also about understanding the internal dynamics that influence our journey. By exploring these shadow work prompts, you can gain a deeper insight into your relationship with success and take meaningful steps toward realizing your goals. Remember, success is a personal journey, and embracing it fully requires both self-awareness and self-compassion.

Here are some affirmations to support your journaling and reflection:

“I am worthy of the success I seek, and I embrace my journey with confidence and courage.”
“I release past failures and trust that every experience contributes to my growth and success.”
“I celebrate my achievements and those of others, knowing that success is abundant and available to all.”
“I am in control of my habits and choose actions that align with my goals and vision for success.”
“I honor my inner voice and replace self-doubt with self-belief, knowing that I can achieve my dreams.”

With Realness,

Coach Mozingo