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Transforming Your Relationship with Money: Journaling Prompts

Transforming Your Relationship with Money: Journaling Prompts

I’ve really been out here calling myself a Dream Bully and people keep agreeing so let me embrace the role 😂. Hey Dream Believers! Let’s talk about MONEY.

Money is a powerful force that influences many aspects of our lives, from our daily decisions to our long-term goals. However, our relationship with money is often shaped by deep-seated beliefs and emotions that we're not always conscious of. Pick one of these journaling prompts designed to guide you through a journey of understanding and transforming your relationship with money.

1. What Are My Earliest Memories About Money?

Our earliest memories about money can have a lasting impact on how we perceive it in adulthood. Reflect on your first encounters with money. Were they positive, negative, or neutral? Understanding these early influences can help you identify the roots of your current financial mindset.

If $1000 seems like a lot of money, what you gon’ do with that million? Get courageous and bold with your idea of money. It’s connected to more than just bills. It’s connected to opportunity. Think Big Babe.

2. How Do I Feel When I Think About My Financial Situation?

Money can evoke a range of emotions, from anxiety and stress to joy and excitement. Take a moment to assess how you feel when you think about your financial situation. Are you content, fearful, overwhelmed, or hopeful? These feelings can offer valuable insights into your financial health.

3. What Beliefs About Money Did I Inherit From My Guardian Figures?

The beliefs we inherit from our parents/guardians can shape our relationship with money, often without us realizing it. Consider the attitudes toward money that you observed growing up. Did your parents/guardians view money as scarce, abundant, a source of conflict, or a tool for security? Understanding these inherited beliefs can help you determine which ones you want to keep and which ones you need to release.

This is a big one friends. If money has been a conversation among your guardian figures has been open and honest?—teach the rest of us! 😩😂

4. How Do I Handle Financial Stress?

Financial stress is something many people experience, but the way we handle it varies. Do you confront financial challenges head-on, or do you avoid them? Understanding your coping mechanisms can help you develop healthier strategies for managing financial stress in the future.

5. How Do I React to Others' Success or Wealth?

Our reactions to the success or wealth of others can reveal a lot about our own financial mindset. Do you feel inspired, envious, or indifferent when others achieve financial success? Reflecting on these reactions can help you cultivate a more positive attitude toward wealth.

6. What Money Habits Am I Ashamed Of?

Shame around money is common, but it's important to confront it to move forward. Are there any money habits that you feel ashamed of, such as overspending, avoiding financial planning, or relying on debt? Acknowledging these habits is the first step toward making positive changes.

Target needs to sponsor me.

7. What Financial Goals Am I Afraid to Pursue?

Fear can often hold us back from pursuing our financial goals. What goals have you been hesitant to chase? Whether it's starting a business, investing, or saving for the future, identifying these fears can help you TAKE ACTION toward achieving your financial dreams.

8. How Do My Fears Influence My Financial Decisions?

Fear can be a powerful driver in our financial decisions, often leading us to make choices that are more about avoiding risk than pursuing opportunity. Consider how your fears—whether they are fears of loss, failure, or judgment—influence your financial decisions. Recognizing these fears can help you make more empowered choices.

You probably don’t have to scale back your finances, you just need to work harder.

Know you’re value. Charge your price. Stop doing everything for free. Position yourself to give from overflow.

Mantras for Financial Transformation

After journaling through these prompts, recite the following mantras to reinforce a positive and abundant mindset:

"I release old beliefs and fears about money and welcome abundance into my life."

"I am worthy of financial success, and I embrace the opportunities that come my way."

"I trust myself to make wise financial decisions that align with my values and goals.”

Until next time,

Finance Content Creators & Resources in my Toolkit:

Kayla Pittman

Personal Finance + more Content Creator

My Fab Finance | Millennial Money Expert

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CEO @tonya.rapley

A book I wished I read in my 20s but still great for my 30s.

Stay Curious & Keep dreaming BIGGER.



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