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Fear The Gemini

Fear The Gemini


I'm throwing a party.

This party is celebrating three things.

My birthday, my love for music, and marking the fourth year in a row that I've donated school supplies to my favorite barbershop.

My actual birthday is May 29th, but I am holding the party on June 9th due to some date conflicts.

Let's get into some details.

My birthday:

I named the party "Fear The Gemini" because for as long as I can remember, people tend to have a harsh reaction when they find out what my astrological sign is. And I mean I get it. Most of the Gemini's in the public eye have a really bad reputation for being ...crazy.


Naomi Campbell

Lauryn Hill

Left Eye

Kanye West


So I would understand the reaction, but even though these people are crazy. They are also crazy talented in their own right.

So I decided to play on the fear of gemini's, and use that to title the party.

My love for music:

I love music. I always have. So this year I decided to bring together a collection of some of my favorite local artist and showcase their amazing talents. I thought it would be pretty cool to have a concert for my birthday. And I thought it would be even cooler if the concert was full of people who I know and admire.

School Supply Drive:

For the past three years, I have donated school supplies to Platinum Cuts on Carowinds Blvd. as they provided free haircuts for children from both NC/SC. 

Entry to the party is at least one school supply. A pack of pencils, paper, one binder. Anything.

I hope to see you there to enjoy life, good music, and partying for a cause.

Check out the showcase lineup:

Oh Sweets!

The Birth of Finding Your Happy Place

The Birth of Finding Your Happy Place