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Maybe Then...

Maybe Then...

I wish I didn’t know what it felt like when you pull away.

Maybe then the emptiness in my chest wouldn’t mirror the emptiness in your eyes.

I know what your touch feels like when you want me.

I know what your voice sounds like when you need me.

I wish all these feelings were unfamiliar.

Maybe then the coldness of your shoulder wouldn’t mirror the coldness in your touch.

I wish I didn’t know the what your embrace felt like after I haven’t seen you in a while.

Maybe then my desire to be held wouldn’t keep me up at night.

I wish I didn’t know the sound of your genuine laugh.

Maybe then the sound of your smile wouldn’t hurt me so bad.

I wish I could just turn my heart off the way you do.

Maybe then….

Maybe then I wouldn’t hate to be in love with you.

- Ashley Mozingo

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