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Get To Know You

Get To Know You

You may or may not be aware, but May is Mental Health Month. Some people attribute negative thoughts around mental health. It’s like we are afraid or embarrassed to share how we feel.

Just as we celebrate other themed months and days, we should celebrate Mental Health Month as well. We should celebrate our ability to feel. To love, to experience joy and even pain. We should celebrate our minds and our fight to strengthen it.

So I have something for us to do just as an icebreaker with ourselves.

During this month, take 10 Days to get to know yourself:

Day 1

One promise to your future self

Day 2

Two skills or talents you wish you had

Day 3

Three words you can’t go a day with saying

Day 4

Four good memories you won’t forget

Day 5

Five things you can’t live without

Day 6

Six songs that you can’t get enough of

Day 7

Seven fears you have that you want to overcome

Day 8

Eight things that annoy you

Day 9

Nine things you do everyday

Day 10

Ten random facts about yourself


Now you know yourself a little better.

You can do this for 10 days or do it all in one day, whatever floats your boat.

Remember, it’s not the you have to just love yourself, you have to continuously fall in love with yourself. You are an evolving being. Be in love with your being.


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Maybe Then...

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