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Dear Black Woman,

Dear Black Woman,

There is strength in your softness.

There is tenacity in your tenderness.

You are allowed to be in pain, but don’t let your pain be in vain.

It’s okay to be who you are, even if it’s just for you.

It’s okay to share your being to the world, it’s okay to be hopeful and true.

You don’t have to uplift the entire world, if you don’t want to,

You can open your heart to everyone, or just keep it between you and you.

You are the winner of every race,

Your radiance is always in first place,

Gold was crafted from your saving grace.

You can be humble and bold,

Hot and cold.

You are allowed to have everything, if you so choose.

Permission you do not seek,

Resistance you may meet,

But I assure you setback is not defeat.

What is yours is yours,

Every crease, every pore,

Your name will not be silenced.

You will not be ignored.

Peace and pressure can reside in your palms,

You can stand up for what’s right, your worthiness is never wrong.

Dear Black Woman,

Your worthiness, is never wrong.

from Ashley Mozingo

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