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It’s been a while.

It’s not that I haven’t had things to write about. It’s actually been the exact opposite. I’ve been writing and thinking of many things.

From stillness, to the impression of church, to sexuality, to anger.

I’ve cleared out so much space in my life for things to grow.

I have feelings as I watch things clear and watch things grow.

Feelings of certainty mostly. I know that things that are separating from me were never closely stitched. I know that the things that are growing anew are intended for the best me.

I am pleased with this.

I am aware that I understand things differently from others. That I process information differently. That I feel differently. That I love differently.

I understand that I am rare and access to me although great, should never be at the expenses of my spirit.

I understand that I have a lot to give, but I sometimes am tired. I understand that freedom is important to me.

As 2021 embraces me, I understand from this moment forward, my freedom is the most important.

I will protect, and honor and love my freedom.

I will be honest with my freedom.

My freedom allows me to express, to feel, to love, to change, to grow, to extract, to add to.

I am no longer afraid of the person I dream of being.

I give myself permission to be free in who I am becoming.

For the good of good.

Be gentle with yourself this season. And every season going forward.

-Ashley Mozingo

Dear Black Woman,

Dear Black Woman,

love your self.

love your self.