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 enforcing boundaries

 enforcing boundaries

We all have been becoming increasingly more aware that we have to set boundaries to become our best selves.

We are setting boundaries in our relationships with our families, friends, our significant others.

We are setting boundaries in the workplace and other shared spaces of professional development.

We are setting boundaries in our creative and intrapersonal lives. We are not allowing just anyone’s energy to cloud our own.

We are becoming more dedicated to protecting ourselves.

We are all becoming clear on setting these boundaries, but the real change happens when we enforce them.

Enforcing boundaries is where the real work begins.

Sometimes, opening up and telling someone not to do something is already hard enough.

When you have to remind them, it can be harder.

And when you have to remind them again, you start to fear the thought of having to let that person go because they cannot respect your boundaries. So now there is anxiety around the potential loss.

Setting boundaries takes more confidence, because it yields courage.

Enforcing boundaries takes more courage, because it yields growth.

Tips on Enforcing Boundaries includes:

Listening to your emotions. If it doesn’t feel right, chances are it isn’t aligning with your spirit. You are not weird or crazy for not liking something or being uncomfortable.

Prioritize your Peace & Sanity. You deserves a sound heart and mind. These things are promised to you.

Ask for support. Reach out to close friends and family when you feel unsafe or a little blue.

Have respect for yourself. Become comfortable with giving yourself the same thing you give others. Love, Respect, Encouragement. Get comfortable.

You are more than capable of enforcing as you are setting.

If someone cannot respect the boundaries you have set, they may not respect you, and you must make a decision that best fits your emotional safety.

You got this.

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