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happy ain't gotta be hard

happy ain't gotta be hard

Happy Ain’t Hard.

If it’s one thing these past couple years has taught me, it’s that happiness is guilt and worry free.

I recall all the moments where I felt my proudest and happiness, and tears well up in my eyes.

I think about “fighting” for my happiness and I become exhausted at the thought of doing so.


Fighting for what’s inherently mine.

Begging for what was never lost from me.

I often think about how we tend to feel like we have to fight for happiness. Like it’s a war. Like happiness is a battlefield and only the strongest make it to the end.

It’s disheartening to think so many of us feel this way.

Feeling like we have to be deserving of happiness.

Let the thought of “deserving” happiness cover you. It sounds outrageous doesn’t it?

You deserve happiness. Without a second thought.

As I’ve come to know my own happiness more, I found is that it truly came with ease.

I found my happiness doesn’t hurt;

-          It doesn’t harm;

-          It’s doesn’t make me question myself;

-          It doesn’t make me worry;

-          It doesn’t make me feel bad;

-          It doesn’t make me like I’ve sacrificed;

-          It doesn’t make me feel small;

But most importantly, it wasn’t hard.

Happiness isn’t difficult.

You belong to happiness.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I know that happiness is as individual as our fingerprint, but as universal as air. It is unique to us, but 100% accessible to us.

Study yourself and dive into what makes you happy.

If a person, place or situation makes you sacrifice what makes you happy…let it go.

If a person, place or thing makes you feel like happiness doesn’t exist… let it go.

Let go.

I promise, being happy is a lot easier than just wanting to be.

-Ashley Mozingo

Arm Slits & Allergy Medication

Arm Slits & Allergy Medication

growing with ease

growing with ease