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growing with ease

growing with ease

Growth doesn’t mean things stop becoming a little hard. It doesn’t mean everything that hurts or hurt you just stops.

Growth means you become more aware of yourself. You are able to identify things that are not serving your better wellbeing – better and faster.

If you look at growth in its most common sense, you notice two things: Things either get small, or they get big.

Your favorite shirt you loved wearing in the 1st grade, no longer fit you in 4th grade because you grew and it became too small.

You plant a small seed and it grows out of its casing and sprouts a big tree.

All growth brings many emotions and they tend to interchange.

The paradox of it all, is truly one of the Universe’s greatest intellectual accomplishments. 

Let’s visualize how growth changes and influences through real life examples:

Your body begins to expand from unhappy feelings. You find comfort in foods that aren’t very good for you. Your favorite pair of jeans becomes smaller and more difficult to put on. You begin to feel more sadden by this, and now “big” is negative. You begin to associate bigger with negative thoughts. You arrive at a point where those jeans no longer button. You get angry and you decide you want to make a change.

You adjust your lifestyle to benefit your health. You become healthier and physically fit, and before you know it, those favorite jeans suddenly became too big and you smile. Now, those jeans being too “big” made you happy.

Big now has negative and positive cogitations.

We can look at growing emotionally as well.

Our love for someone grows and grows, and your heart feels so big that it might burst. Then something may happen where you grow apart from this person.

You arrive at appoint where you and that person must part because something so big, has now become so small, and now small brings forth negative feelings. Those negative feelings bring forth fear. And now small is fearful and unpleasant.

So you adjust your lifestyle to benefit your emotional health. You mediate and pray and become healthier. Before you know it, you begin to not fear love anymore. You work to heal and make the fear shrink and shrink, until it is so very small. Now that fear being small, makes you happy.

Small now has both negative and positive cogitations.

Growth means thing change, not disappear.

In growth we learn to get better, get stronger, not forget what helped us grow.

It’s okay that it doesn’t always feel good. But find peace in knowing that you are better and stronger.

You are so important. You are so significant. You are so understood.

Keep growing.

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